It’s officially 2023 which means we are bringing you the best Harper Ellis Certification course yet! Our goal is to coach and teach stylists the The Harper Ellis Concealed Bead Methodâ„¢ while showing them the best ways to market themselves for greater revenue in 2023. If you have been questioning whether to sign up, this is your opportunity to advance your skills and brand more than ever. We are confident in our education because it has worked for US! If you are a new stylist or have been in the business for 20 years, this class is for you. The time to elevate your brand, business and profits is now! Check out the dates for our Certification courses below.
2023 Course Dates
All of our classes will be held at Harper Ellis Headquarters and Training Center in Fort Smith, Arkansas! This is very exciting because you will be able to get an inside look on how we run our business, along with our work environment. When we think about all the assets we want to teach stylists, we thought what better way to show you than have it be at our own headquarters?!
What To Expect
Our Certification courses are now spread out over a 2-day period. This allows more time for our stylists to engage, teach and have 1-on-1 time with each of you. Our goal is to have every one walk out of this Certification course with confidence and a new found excitement to amplify their business! This is a new year, let’s make your business goals come true. To top it all off, we give you the details on how to make your business work for you. 2023 is the year you are going to make your dream income!
Along with your Harper Ellis Live! Ticket, you get access to our online education program so you can start learning #theconcealedbeadmethod immediately! You’ll have access to these video modules forever, so if you ever need to refresh your memory on a step you always can. We also have one-on-one online mentorship, where you’ll be paired up with a Master Educator who will guide you through the steps of the Method, and help you speed your install time so you can be more profitable over time!
What To Bring
Hair Manikin | Head Manikin Stand | Pens | Notebooks | Highlighters | Portable Charger
If this is your first class, here are some key items I would bring. You can purchase all of these items on my Amazon. The hair manikin is only $18 right now and the stand is only $23 as well. Get everything you need for under $50!
Behind The Scenes | Day 1
We get hands on with you to ensure your success in this extension method. We want you to learn and be able to execute this on your clients which means more revenue for yourself and your business! As you know, every client is different. You will learn how to custom color the extensions for the ultimate luxury experience for your client based on their hair shades and tones.
Behind The Scenes | Day 2
Day 2 is honestly one of my favorite days because this is where we dive into business strategies to market yourself for success. We talk about social media, marketing, pricing, branding, and most importantly money! This allows you to make your money work for you with marketing that turns into revenue. If you’re new to the social media world, we give you all of the details on how to share content that gives you a return. Marketing is a very broad and a bit overwhelming term, but we break it down to the knitty-gritty that will make you feel confident when walking about of this course.
Harper Ellis Styling Kit
Each stylist will get to take home our very own Harper Ellis hair kit that contains all of the essentials you will need to create the perfect hair-tied install for your client.
What Other Stylists Are Saying
Shop Class Fashions
I hope that you consider attending our Certification course this year because I promise you will not regret it. Turn your business into something you’ve dreamed of now!
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