Halloween this year is going to look a little different for the Harvell household! To be honest, I am not a big halloween person because my biggest focus is getting ready for Christmas! This year has been very busy but also has brought a lot of blessings with that! My creative outlet is tapped out at work everyday, so finding the perfect costume & decor for halloween just isn’t a big priority for me. However, I love to dress up with Fletcher to make memories with him! That brings me the most joy during Halloween season! Due to being so busy I love skimming through Instagram & Pinterest for costume ideas that are easy for us to do!
I need your help!! This year you guys get to VOTE for your favorite costume & we will dress up in the most popular one! I have it narrowed down to 3 different options, check them out below & pick your favorite!
Halloween Costume One: Deer

Antler Headband | Baby Deer Costume | Adult Deer Costume | Black & White Face Paint | Brown Face Paint
Halloween Costume Two: Top Gun

Mens Top Gun Costume | Women’s Top Gun Costume | Black Aviator Style Sunglasses | Kids Top Gun Costume | Baby Top Gun Green Onesie | Gold Aviator Style Sunglasses | Daddy’s Wingman Baby Outfit
Halloween Costume Three: Cop & Burglar

Women’s Burglar Costume | Men’s Jail Costume | Kids Cop Costume | Kids Cop Accessories | Burglar Costume Accessories

Fletcher is ready for another halloween season! He was the cutest cow last Halloween & is wondering what his costume will be this year. These are memories that I love to cherish the most because he is growing up so quickly!
Get your hands on these costumes for your family as well! Please COMMENT on this blog post your favorite costume for our family this year! I can’t wait to see what ya’ll pick!

Top Gun would be so adorable!!
I know Right!?
Top Gun!
Well, all three are cute and Fletcher would be adorable in any of them. My favorite for him would be the cop and robbers, but he probably wouldn’t keep the hat on. As far as top gun, he wouldn’t keep the shades on. So that leaves the sweet little fawn because there’s nothing there he can completely throw down! It’s all attached. Next year, he will do much better in keeping things on that aren’t attached!😁👍❤❤❤
That’s true! Next Halloween is going to be SO fun!🖤
Top Gun!
Top Gun!!!